Thursday, December 13, 2012

Just Look Up

I came across a realization I had a while ago again today - people never look up. I think it's the one thing that skews our perception the most. We keep looking down, watching our feet like they may walk off without us if we don't keep an eye on them. Sometimes we look straight ahead, but then we can only see our circumstances. 

I have a love affair with rooftops. Unfortunately, I only just discovered the one above the organization. I was up there today, seeing the tops of things instead of the bottoms, and I walked over to look down on the roof patio of the organization's across the alley neighbors. They raise rabbits: cute, fluffy, hoppy things that are occasionally joined by a young goat that has gotten loose from the paddock inside. 

Today, the mother and father from the family and one of their young sons were feeding them green corn husks, gathering dead rabbits from a bin, and tidying up the outlying dirt as best they could. I watched all of this from two floors above, and not one of them even began to look skyward. This went on for about 15 minutes before they finally disappeared inside. They never knew I was above them. 

I try to look up as much as I can. I don't want to miss the bigness that's above me. But every now and then, there's something new to see above our heads and we may miss it if we don't stop paying attention to just the things right in front of us. These things are important and vital, but the sky, and the view above our line of sight, is too spectacular to be missed. 

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