Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Not just your average, run of the mill, wonderful garlicky spread in a small plastic tub, this is also the Arabic word for chickpeas themselves. Often, if not always, sprinkled in with Koshary and as I found out tonight, one can also steep them in hot water and drink it like tea. What??? I have had many firsts here, and tonight was my first time drinking chickpea water. They even serve it with small cups of salt, hot pepper powder (when the wind blew too hard, said tiny pepper flakes decided to lodge themselves in my eyeballs... NOT a pleasant experience), and half a lemon to add some zest. I literally sipped on spicy chickpea broth as my after dinner beverage. It's 2 hours later, and I'm still not sure how I feel about the experience, but wanted to share. I think in the future I'll be sticking to my hot tea with milk. Safe and warm and fuzzy in my tummy leaving no place for invasive, partying garbanzo beans. 

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