Friday, September 14, 2012

Love & Hate

Love makes the world go round. And hate brings it to a screeching halt. I am losing my faith in humanity and the ability of one person to do good. It seems that someone can try to start a movement of benefit and peace and it takes so painfully long to get off the ground. Yet one person can provoke hate and within a few short days, it's reverberating in every corner of the world. People stop thinking, they stop seeing other as humans and see nothing but their own rage, and the world, this planet that we all have to live on together regardless of belief or cultural upbringing, begins to fall apart at the seams.

It's a silent, deadly undercurrent in the human condition. We're all afflicted with it, only it lies more dormant in some than in others. You never know what will strike and awaken the darkness within. What cure is there to this vast illness but Love? Genuine Love, authentic Love, more than just word service Love. Loving those we don't understand, loving those that do things to hurt us, loving those that everyone expects us to hate. Because that pushes back the darkness. It cannot stand against Love. Hate cannot win a war, or even so much as a battle when it finds itself face to face against Love.

How do we learn this? How do we overcome our thoughts and opinions and words and actions with the only defense we have against this rampant onslaught? We stop fighting each other. We start listening to what other people have to say. We start trying to understand each other instead of taking for granted that we already know things that we actually don't have any idea about. We start loving our neighbors as ourselves which means we don't run away when things get ugly. It's uncomfortable and it's messy, but we have to Love. It is the only thing that will heal these gaping wounds. 

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